The Best Book

There has never been a better book to read than the Holy Bible! Here you’ll find light and understanding, comfort, strength and hope. Read it cover to cover more than once to get a feel for the overall message and spirit of things. Believe it.
Good Books
When Jesus Became God
The Epic Fight Over Christ’s Divinity in the Last Days of Rome
By Richard E. Rubenstein
“A great theological adventure, finely told.”
Alan Jones, dean of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
“Richard Rubenstein has taken the ancient conflict in Christian history between Arius and Athanasius and has given it the brilliance of modern journalistic coverage. In the process he enlightens us about the nature and destructiveness… of (the) dark places in our contemporary history.”
The Most Reverend John S. Spong, bishop of Newark
Jesus Wars
How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 years
by John Philip Jenkins
The Fifth-Century Political Battles That Forever Changed the Church
In this fascinating account of the surprisingly violent fifth-century church, Philip Jenkins describes how political maneuvers by a handful of powerful characters shaped Christian doctrine. Were it not for these battles, today’s church could be teaching something very different about the nature of Jesus, and the papacy as we know it would never have come into existence. Jesus Wars reveals the profound implications of what amounts to an accident of history: that one faction of Roman emperors and militia-wielding bishops defeated another.
“Are you hungry for a rip-roaring tale of theological intrigue filled with conspiracies, Bysantine plots, murder and mayhem? Or are you longing for a solid, informative and accurate history of the development of Christian orthodoxy? If your answer is yes to both, (this) is your book!”
Christianity Today
The Doctrine of the Trinity
Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound
By Anthony F. Buzzard and Charles F. Hunting
Here is a “must read” for anyone who wants a clearer vision of God and Christ! Discover for yourself a vision of Jesus Christ that is Biblically sound and deeply satisfying. You’ll need to read it twice to fully grasp the import of what the authors present… but it is well worth the effort! You’ll find “a definitive presentation of a Christology rooted, as it originally was, in the Hebrew Bible. The authors present a sharply argued appeal for an understanding of God and Jesus in the context of the original Christian documents.” Buzzard’s book proclaims a radical simplicity that is refreshingly at odds with the incomprehensible statements of archaic theological traditions.
For more information visit the author’s website at:
Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian
A Call to Return to the Creed of Jesus
By Sir Anthony F. Buzzard
The phrase “tour de force” comes to mind regarding Anthony Buzzard’s book Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian. It is not only eminently informative it’s an absolute pleasure to read! You will appreciate the way this book guides your thoughts into distinctly biblical patterns with meticulous scholarship and a finely measured dose of wry humor. Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian is a wonderful antidote to the Hellenistic philosophies that have encumbered and diverted the church from its true inheritance of received truth. We rate it five stars and think if you have a lick of sense you will just go online and order a copy today.
For more information visit the author’s website at:
The One
In Defense Of God
By J. Dan Gill
No matter what you believe about God there are always questions that come to mind! In his wonderfully readable book The One, author J. Dan Gill offers a refreshing and wide-ranging look at the Christian faith and the identity of Jesus Christ. A lifetime of study and authorship are condensed and distilled into a single volume that you will definitely want to read more than once. In its pages you’ll find straightforward Biblical answers to many of the questions that have perplexed believers throughout history. If you’re looking for a book that can help you settle some of the issues you’ve wondered about we highly recommend The One. You’ll be glad you added it to your library!
Orthodoxy and Heresy
By Steven Nemes
‘Orthodoxy’ and ‘heresy’ are essential categories by which the ‘Catholic’ theological tradition evaluates the (im)propriety of various beliefs and practices relative to its non-negotiable commitments. This Element sketches moments in the development of Christian ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘heresy’ in time, as much in the Old and New Testament as in the history of the Church. It also touches upon the vexed theological-methodological question of the relation between Scripture and ecclesial Tradition before concluding with a critique of the ‘Catholic’ tradition’s preoccupation with ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘heresy’ in favor of a Christian theology ‘without anathemas’ that is concerned only for truth.
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