We don’t know by what invisible pathway or providence you have come to this website but we are glad you’re here. There is something quite wonderful happening in the Kingdom of God and somehow we are all destined to have a part in it. God has been removing the scales of tradition from our eyes and we are finally beginning to see! At long last, we have started to read the scriptures about God and Christ, the Father and the Son clearly. We are glad to be freed from the distorting lens of philosophy that has clouded the church’s vision for so many long centuries. God has been gracious to us… and we are thankful.
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Good morning, I am an Italian biblical scholar very close to Anthony Buzzard’s theses. Even if I do not agree with him on some explanations of the Old Testament prophecies, I agree on anti-Trinitarianism, on the sleep of the soul and the resurrection at the parousia of Jesus. I have just discovered your site and I am approaching to read what is written. I have to go slowly because I need Google translator since I am Italian and I do not know English well. I kindly ask you to keep me updated on the news. In this regard, I have entered my email in the appropriate form. I have written several books for an Italian site with which I collaborate and I consider it a privilege to be able to meet other believers with whom to dialogue. In fact, I am a former Jehovah’s Witness. I left my church after 35 years of militancy because I no longer share doctrines and practices.
With sympathy
Claudio E. Gherardi
p.s. I apologize if the translation is not perfect. I also contacted the site https://theologyallstars.com
Greetings Claudio!
It is a pleasure to hear from you and I look forward to our correspondence. I will go to the form you mentioned and will write to you via that as well. Multiplied blessings to you! It is a true delight to embrace the simplicity and truth of our shared belief in God and Christ.
Your Brother in Chris Jesus,
Bob Shutes