The Golden Calf

Debauchery, Corruption and Greed

Some of us have noticed there is a disturbing difference between what Jesus taught and what we see in our pulpits and churches. The steady stream of moral failures and church scandals in the news makes us cringe with embarrassment. For starters, the Catholic Church shocked the world with its pedophile priests, cover ups and banking scandals. The Protestant world’s millionaire televangelists with their private jets and obscenely expensive mansions and notorious sex scandals are another disgrace. The debauchery, corruption and greed these things reveal are ugly stains on the Body of Christ and make Christianity a laughing stock to unbelievers. Something is desperately wrong! How in the world did this happen? Clearly, there is a breakdown in the faith at some level.

Things Were Totally Out of Control

Perhaps the Old Testament can give us some insight. An example from Exodus 32 might help. It tells how Moses was leading Israel to the promised land when God called him to Mount Sinai to receive the Law. What an experience that must have been! Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days and when He came down he found things were totally out of control. Aaron had made a golden calf for Israel to worship and God’s people were partying like a bunch of pagans. There was wild dancing, drinking and a lot of immoral behavior going on. It wasn’t exactly what you would expect from God’s chosen people! In other words, it sounds a lot like today.

Israel Failed to Understand

Aaron had created a golden calf with his own hands and presented this pagan idol to the people as if it was a true image of God. Israel gladly embraced their new golden calf and as they worshipped it their conduct really went downhill! God, on the other hand, was not at all happy about the situation. Israel failed to understand that Aaron’s golden calf did not really represent God and their misunderstanding came at a terrible cost. Many people lost their lives due to their idolatry.  Judgment was not what they were expecting and it sure was not what God wanted for them.

Another Man-Made Object of Worship

These days we don’t worship anything as obvious as a golden calf but there is another man-made object of worship in our midst. Israel’s vision of God was distorted by a golden calf and the destiny of many suffered as a result. Christianity’s vision of God is distorted by a man-made theological illusion we call the trinity. Could it be that the destiny of many will once again suffer as a result of a false vision? Is it possible that a failure of leadership will cause God’s chosen people to lose their inheritance?

Without Vision the People Perish

Proverbs 29:18 states “Without vision the people perish.” Some translations render this as, “Where there is no vision people are unrestrained” or “the people cast off restraint” or “the people run wild” or “the people are out of control.” It’s no wonder that God laments, “My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) We have a hunch that a clear vision of God may be the antidote to much of what ails the church today.

A Biblical Vision of God and Christ

Here at Wonderful Theology our mission is to share a clear and Biblical vision of God. He is the God of Israel and we call Him our Father (His name is YHWH).  His only begotten human Son is our Savior Jesus Christ. This is a true and biblical vision of God and Christ that truly brings light and understanding. Many are convinced this vision of God leads to righteousness too. We contend that the Trinity is a philosophical golden calf that distorts our vision of God and darkens our understanding. Nothing good can come of it.

Copyright 2024 by Bob Shutes

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Mary Annoyed Martha

The New Testament contains an interesting account of a time when Jesus was teaching his disciples and Mary annoyed Martha. Martha was angry because Mary was just sitting around listening to Jesus and wasn’t helping out with dinner! This irritated Martha so much that she went to Jesus and complained about it. Jesus acknowledged Martha’s complaint but said “Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from her.”  Martha was tuned into making dinner and Mary was tuned into hearing Jesus and that was the cause of friction between them.

An Age Old Conflict

This is really a story about the age old conflict between earthly things and spiritual. It’s a conflict that is still going on today and we see it all around us. These days there is no shortage of disputes that can pull us away from Christ and into the storms and passions of the world. Some Christians are passionate about elections and vaccines. Others have strong opinions about immigration and elected officials. Many Christians who are passionate about these earthly issues are seriously annoyed with believers who aren’t.

Disciples of Jesus Need to be Careful

There are culture wars being fought and political lines being drawn. Christian brothers are being set against each other. In just the past year I have been shunned by several  Christian friends over earthly and cultural issues and another Christian brother even sent me a threatening text message. Current events illustrate the conflict between earthly and spiritual things and disciples of Jesus need to be careful. Careful not to get so wrapped up in disputes about earthly things that they begin to despise their brothers and sisters in Christ. Careful to repent of darkened hearts and attitudes.

Our Banner is Not Red or Blue

People are prone to giving their loyalty to leaders who claim to have the answers to all our problems but Christians should know better. The only leader who has any solutions to our dilemmas is Jesus Christ and when His administration takes office the world will be a far better place. In the meantime we should beware of individuals or groups that want to enlist us in their conflicts and earthly causes at the expense of Christian unity. Our banner is not red or blue. The banner over us is love and God has called us to be peacemakers.

Copyright 2023 by Bob Shutes